November Newsletter

CURRICULUM ACTIVITIES: Our learning topic this month is all about the weather. We’ll be looking at how the weather changes with the seasons and what appropriate clothes to wear, giving us plenty of opportunity to practice getting our coats, boots, hats and gloves on! The dark evenings, mean it is also an ideal time to remind little ones about road safety. The children in nursery will be having fun exploring water play - making rain drop sounds, looking at books based on different weather scenes, lots of songs and musical instrument playing to weather songs. They will be Focusing on games such as, matching weather flash cards, exploring the weather counting tree, making weather pictures using a wide range of natural resources. A fun way to keep fit is by music and movement, making shapes with their bodies to different weather sounds and fireworks while describing the sounds they make!

SUPPORT AT HOME:-Why not explore the outside and combine it with the weather by good old fashioned jumping in puddles! Can they hop and jump? Hold some tin foil or wrap it around a hoop and let the rain drop fall on it, What sounds does it make? As the weather changes, it’s a great time to focus on children practicing putting their own shoes, coats, hats etc. on. Perhaps their teddy bear could join in the fun getting dressed! Please look outside your child’s care room for planned activities, to get ideas or simply ask a member of the team on how you can support your child at home.

NURSERY IMPROVEMENTS:-Thank you for your patience this past week with the decorating being carried out inside the nursery, we are very excited with our new up and coming improvements – the nursery is going to look amazing! We have completed the painting in the entrance and hallway, new flooring will be added throughout the main walkway in the nursery. We have some new furniture and play equipment delivered ready to build and put into the rooms. A little more painting and upgrading our fire doors (these will take place at the weekends). In December we are having new safety flooring in the Foundation and U2's room fitting too!

CHILDREN IN NEED:- Each year we support Children In Need and we welcome your support. Last year we raised an amazing £583.20 we are hopeful this year’s efforts will provide equal success! Week commencing 13th November, nursery children will be involved in extra fun activities, which with your help, they can gain sponsorship from friends and family! By helping others, our children learn about community, charity and how with only a little bit of time and effort, they can help and make a big difference to the lives of children who are worse off. Keep an eye out for posters with more information on.

CELEBRATIONS:- In November we always look forward to bonfire night, so stay safe and have a lovely time over bonfire weekend. Remembrance Day is on the 11th, Road safety week is from 16th to 22nd and we will be ending with Scottish dancing for St Andrew’s Day on the 30th.

CHILDREN’S PHOTOS:- A professional photographer from Purple Cow came into nursery to take children’s portraits recently. Proof packs will soon be available and going out for you to select and order your child’s portrait online. Full details will be available with your proof pack, there is no obligation to buy, but they would make lovely gifts for family and Christmas.

CHILDREN’S SAFETY:- Please can we respectfully remind parents to be mindful of everyone’s safety! Making sure, 1... Children are supervised at all times, both in nursery & the car park. 2... The internal lobby door is securely closed behind you when entering and leaving nursery. 3... Please do not give entry to anyone when leaving nursery. 4... All children to be securely fastened in car seats when travelling in a vehicle. 5... You must drive slowly at all times when travelling through the car park, making sure to check there are no pedestrians crossing the road before entering & leaving

FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK:- Day Nursery (Abc-Nursery). This is a private account for parents only and an additional way to keep up to date with nursery activities.

INSTAGRAM ACCOUNT: Take a look at our Instagram account - Come follow us at ABC Children’s Day Nursery to see our set ups and fun activities (no children’s images shown).  

HELLO & WELCOME TO: welcome to Enya who joins us in our Under 2’s room.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY: In our Foundation classroom- Dottie & Cora-Joan will be four, in Pre-School; Harrison, Muhammed and Skylar, will be three, and in Under Two’s; Neve will be one!!!




December Newsletter


October Newsletter