December Newsletter

CURRICULUM ACTIVITIES: Much of our activities this month, naturally revolve around this special time of year as we approach Christmas. It also adds to our learning topic for the month, which is ‘music’. Our children will be listening to world music and learning how different parts of the world celebrate Christmas, along with traditional Christmas Carols and songs. There will be lots of exciting activities taking place such as counting reindeers, weighing presents to see which are heavier or lighter. Being creative by making baubles, Christmas cards and so much more!  

Support at Home:- To support your child’s nursery education at home, why not have fun making music! There are lots of different resources to use such as pots and pans & wooden spoons to make drums or adding rice into shakers! Everyone loves a good sing-a-long so enjoy all the Christmas songs on the radio! Lots of fun drawing Christmas trees or using play do to make 3D structures of presents etc!

CHILDREN IN NEED:- We’ve raised a grand total of £460.01, which is fantastic!!! Sincere thanks to you, your families and friends, work colleagues etc. For the amazing support given to our children’s sponsored activities for Children in Need this year. What an amazing achievement.

CHRISTMAS PARTIES:- Santa will be attending this year’s Christmas parties on Monday, 16th December. All our children are invited to meet and receive their present from him, whether they are registered to attend nursery on that day, or not. Invites will be sent out from this week onwards, please let us know if your little one will be able to attend or not.

CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS: - NURSERY CLOSES at 4.00pm on TUESDAY, 24th DECEMBER and re-opens 8.00am on Thursday, 2nd January, 2025.

FUNDED ONLY SESSIONS - finish for 3 weeks on Friday, 13th December. Funding recommences from Monday, 6th January, 2025. (unless your child is stretching)

TERM-TIME ONLY - registered children will also be on holiday for 2 weeks, they finish on Friday 20th December and return back from Monday 6th January 2025 onwards.

WELCOME BACK :- to Georgina who has returned from her Maternity leave, she will be joining the Pre-school room and continuing her role as EFG’s Club Manager along with little Theodore joining us in the Under 2’s room in January 2025.

APPLYING FOR FULL-TIME SCHOOL:- A final reminder for Foundation stage children due to start full time school next September. You must apply online no later than 15th January’ 25.

CELEBRATIONS:- We start the fun in December on the 12th for Christmas Jumper day! Everyone is invited to dress up Christmasy! On 21st of December - Winter Solstice takes place, it is when we have the least amount of daylight of any time of the year. During this time, the Sun appears lowest in the sky, with the least angle to Earth, and we receive less sunlight and warmth. This is also when the days are shorter and the nights are longer. Of course, the big day is on 25th December- Christmas Day, a Christian festival that celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ, Families spend time together, celebrating with food, songs, games and also a visit from Father Christmas! Hannukah is also celebrated, Hanukkah is the Jewish Festival of Lights. The word 'Hanukkah' means 'Dedication' in Hebrew. It celebrates a miracle that happened in Jerusalem over 2,000 years ago

HELLO AND WELCOME TO :- Zaviyar who has joined our Pre-school room

HAPPY BIRTHDAY:- In Under Twos Room; to Aaliyah who is two, in Pre-school Room; Mila who is Three and in Foundation Room; to Iona, Aidah-Noor, Eden, Elijah who are four!!

FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK:- Day Nursery (Abc-Nursery). This is a private account for parents only and an additional way to keep up to date with nursery activities.

INSTAGRAM ACCOUNT: Take a look at our Instagram account - Come follow us at ABC Children’s Day Nursery to see our set ups and fun activities (no children’s images shown).  

…AND FINALLY!! A very sincere BIG THANK YOU for your continued support throughout the year. We have really appreciated it and look forward to welcoming you throughout 2025 with care and a smile xxx    


“We wish all our children, family and friends a very peaceful and happy Christmas”


January Newsletter


November Newsletter