Terms and Conditions
April 2024
Nursery Terms & Conditions (April 2024)
Registration fee/deposit
Registration fees - £50 per Nursery child
Payment of your Registration Fee guarantees your place and entitles you to our programme of Settling visits as per our Settling Policy. We always recommend children attend at least one settling visit to allow them to familiarise themselves with their carers and surroundings.
Registration Fees must be paid within 30 days of confirming your place otherwise the space may be given to others on the waiting list.
We reserve the right to charge a Refundable Deposit of £50 for Just 15 or Just 30 places.
Nursery fees are payable for 52 weeks of the year, (five bank holidays are not charged for), or for the 48 weeks of our Flexibly Funded Enhanced Offer – our ‘Term-Time’ Offer.
Notice period
Minimum one month’s notice in writing is required to reduce hours or remove a child from ABC’s care. This is to ensure we have accurate registration records, time to close your account and inform the local authority. Failure to provide the necessary notice, may result in you receiving the charge for four weeks care, as there may be potential problems transferring funding or funding being withheld. For children receiving grant funding we reserve the right to ask for one term’s notice due to not being able to offer funding mid-term.
Allocation of places
Our Admissions Policy outlines in further detail our allocation of places.
Snacks, lunch & refreshments
Breakfast, mid-morning and afternoon snacks and refreshments are included within the daily fees. Hot Lunches and tea are included where indicated or can be purchased as extras if required. Parents may supply packed lunches and tea if they prefer but no reduction in Fees is allowed where this is included in the price for the place. You must supply a complete list of ingredients if bringing in food due to allergen regulations. Where we have a severe allergy we reserve the right to refuse foods or ask you to buy a hot lunch.
These are available when 2 or more children attend full-time at a rate of 10% on the first additional child and 10% on the second additional child. Discounts are taken off the eldest child first. We also offer a 10% Twins or other multiple birth discount that is per child for full time places. We also offer public services a 10% discount.
Invoices are produced each month based on these prices. All invoices are emailed to parents. It is your responsibility to inform us if an invoice has not been received. Late payment charges will still be applied if payment is not on time, irrespective whether you have received an invoice or not.
Late fees charge
All fees are due by the 1st of the month. Where fees are not paid by this date a Late Payment Charge of £15 per child per month will be applied. We pursue any debts with a strict policy that may result in exclusion if payments are not made on time.
Registered days
Nursery fees are invoiced based on the days a child is registered to attend each week, as is the claim for any entitled nursery education funding. Extra ad-hoc attendance is subject to availability and charged at the full rate on the day. We do not swap days of attendance on an ad-hoc basis.
Minimum attendance
Minimum of two sessions or one full day per week, subject to availability.
Payment method
Fees are payable monthly in advance, on the first day of each calendar month either by standing order or BACS transfer, voucher or tax-free childcare. A weekly payment concession can be made with prior agreement. Weekly fees are payable on the first day of attendance for that particular week.
Payment assistance
We accept Childcare Vouchers from bona fide employer voucher schemes and will provide all relevant information and childcare provision guidance, to assist with your claim for tax credits, tax-free childcare and student grants. All grant payment and childcare voucher payments are non-refundable.
Nursery Education Funding
Nursery Education Funding is claimed each term and allocated to a child’s account. We then charge the advertised fees against your attendance pattern each week/month as shown above.
Parents/guardians may access some or all their funded entitlement with our nursery. Children attending two nurseries may have their 15/30 hours split between settings.
See our special T’s & C’s for funding.
Funded only sessions
Funded only sessions are strictly subject to availability on the nursery register and subject to change, including 2-, 3- & 4-year old’s entitled funding for 15 hours per week.
Under two year olds
We make no extra charge for children under the age of 2, however nappies and milk formula are not provided by the nursery, so parents can supply their own preferred brands to suit their child’s specific requirements.
Emergency closure days
In the event of extreme weather, fire or utility supply failure which renders our childcare provision unsuitable for safe use, the emergency closure procedure will be invoked. Fees are payable for any part day and the first full day of any separate occasion of emergency closure.
Sickness/infection control
Children should not attend nursery suffering from any infectious/contagious condition or within 48 hours of suffering from sickness, diarrhoea or high temperature. Their temperature must be down for a full 24 hours before they are able to attend. You will be contacted to collect your child if symptoms occur whilst at nursery. All fees are payable during sickness. We follow the national guidelines for Health & Safety, and the prevention and control of infectious diseases as set out by government agencies.
Term-time only attendance (limited in number)
Children do not attend and are not charged for two weeks at Christmas and Easter and the six weeks summer holidays. All other registered days are charged for, including half terms (February, May and October), personal holidays and any other ad-hoc days.
Other than our limited number of 38 weeks term places we offer a term-time option for 48 weeks for funded children. The tables above outline the session times and patterns for this.
Session start & finish times
Please note; your child’s agreed session times are organised and managed around planned activities and staffing numbers, for adequate supervision. Consequently, if you arrive before their session begins, you will be asked to wait for the session start time and if you collect them after the session ends, you will be charged an initial £10 late collection charge for up to 15 minutes, with a further £5 for each 15 mins thereafter. This is to pay our staff for their overtime.
How the funding works
For 38 weeks of the year all 3 & 4 year olds and eligible families of children 9 months+ we are paid by Kirklees to deliver the funding. In general we stretch those hours across our opening weeks of the year in the patterns shown in the tables above. Consequently, Kirklees Local Authority expect your child to attend their registered place and benefit from it. Nursery will assist with the necessary administration to make the funding claim on your behalf. As part of our agreement with the local authority, we have to record any absence your child has and the reason why (just like at school). If you don’t use the full hrs for any lengthy period, we are obliged to inform Kirklees, who are within their rights to withdraw funding, leaving you liable to pay for your child’s registered attendance.
Please inform nursery of any absence on the first morning and on each subsequent morning, by calling nursery on 01484.429222 or texting 07889092619. Fees are still payable.
Emergency contact
It is essential we have your contact details, while ever your child is in our care. Please make sure we always have your up-to-date address and numbers, etc.
If your child requires prescribed medication, we will administer it. However, only after 24hrs has elapsed following the first dose, ensuring no reaction or ill effects are suffered from it. You will be required to complete a medication form, giving written instruction and signed authorisation.
While in our care, your child will have lots of opportunities for free play, alongside organised age-appropriate activities, to ensure they learn all aspects within the Educational Programmes of the Early Years Foundation Stage, as legislated by DfE. Our offering includes essential outdoor play. Curriculum activities are posted outside your child’s care room each month for your reference, along with support at home tips.
Key Worker
Your child’s key worker will plan activities around the curriculum, against which your child’s progress will be evaluated. Progress will be recorded and used to plan the next stage of their development, which will be shared with you and is always available for your reference. At any time, if you would like additional feedback please liaise with your child’s key worker who will arrange to happily go through it with you.
Safeguarding children
When you drop off your child at nursery, please advise staff who will be collecting them at the end of the session. If someone new to nursery will be picking up your child, we need to know their name and relationship to your child. We ask you to provide a password to give to the other person ahead of pick-up. When they come to collect, we will ask for a form of I.D. and the password. We shall not let a child leave our care with any person without your express prior permission, even if they have collected in the past.
Mobile phones
Please note, the use of mobile phones is NOT allowed in nursery, please keep securely away.
Exiting nursery
When leaving nursery DO NOT give entry to ‘any’ person. Anyone entering nursery, must ring the doorbell and be met by a member of staff. The inner lobby door is on a Yale lock, so please ensure it is pushed or pulled securely closed behind you when leaving and entering the building.
Outdoor clothing
Please ensure your child has appropriate outdoor clothing for whatever the time of the year and whatever the weather.
SUMMER: Lightweight layers are ideal. They can be removed in hot spells and added as required through cooler spells and during rain showers. UV protection is also required, with a sun hat and sunscreen. For your convenience and your child’s protection, nursery will provide and apply a high factor sunscreen when necessary, as long as you have signed for its authorised use. This is an enhanced resource and will be chargeable where no contribution towards enhancements is made.
WINTER: During cold weather, a warm sweater or cardigan, heavier coat, hat and gloves are needed.
Indoor clothing
Nursery provides aprons and waterproof clothing for protection during wet, messy play. However, accidents happen. Consequently, please send your child to nursery in clothing that is comfortable for play and easy for you to launder. Please also provide a change of clothes to make sure they remain comfortable throughout the day, just in case they do have an accident during play, mealtime or visits to the bathroom. No jewellery to be worn in the nursery due to potential injury and choking hazard.
Sensible, supportive, well-fitting footwear, ideally elasticated slip on or with Velcro fastening for ease and convenience, to help encourage your child to be independent.
SUMMER: Please DO NOT send your child to nursery in open toed sandals. They are a tripping hazard and really don’t provide protection for tiny toes. Lightweight shoes or trainers are comfortable and sensible for energetic, outdoor play, including climbing and use of ride on toys.
WINTER: Good sturdy shoes or boots are ideal, to have fun outside during inclement weather, but not for inside.
INDOOR: Please bring separate indoor footwear for your child, such as slippers or lightweight pumps, so they can enjoy play on carpeted and soft play areas, as well as protection when participating in activities involving water and visits to the bathroom. These can be kept at nursery for your convenience; Children should have protective footwear on at all times, especially in the event of an emergency evacuation of the building.
Name labels
Please make sure all clothes and footwear are labelled clearly with your child’s name, to help identify belongings and prevent mix ups of popular designs and colours.
If your child is in nappies, you are required to supply enough each day, to prevent your child becoming sore. We change nappies every three hours, or as soon as soiled or heavily wet. For convenience, you can leave a few days or enough for a week, which we’ll keep for your child’s use in their nappy locker.
Potty/toilet training
This is an important part of a little one’s education. With a lot of encouragement and patience, we work with you to give your child this great sense of independence. Consequently, we accept accidents will happen during this time when your child will require a change of clothes, especially underwear. Please provide a number of pairs for them each day. Soiled clothes will be rinsed out at nursery, bagged and returned to you at the end of the day for laundering.
Nursery clothing
We carry limited stocks of emergency clothing for children, which must be returned the very next visit to nursery, so we can support all children at this important time. If not, a £5 replacement charge is made.
Parent partnerships
We realise our responsibility to you and your child during this special time in their lives. We shall keep you informed of their activities and how they spend their time with us with a daily report, a monthly newsletter and an information board with useful all year round nursery and community information. Our communications will include curriculum plans, which will be displayed outside of your child’s care room. If you would like any guidance or advice for support at home, please don’t hesitate to ask.
Car park safety
Please ensure your child is supervised at all times on the nursery car park. Park only in the allocated bays and drivers must drive slowly and give way to pedestrians. Drivers ‘must’ stop at the car park entrance before going out on to the pavement by the exit – pedestrians have right of way at all times!
Pram storage
If you wish to keep your child’s pram at nursery while they are in attendance, just put the hood/rain cover up and wheel it completely under cover of our pram store by the front door.
Policies & Procedures
A full manual of our nursery’s Policies & Procedures is available in the nursery office. We are happy to email you a full copy upon request. If you would like any information or clarification regarding any aspect of our care, please don’t hesitate to ask a member of staff.
Terms & Condition are subject to change without prior notice. Errors and omissions excepted.