Nurturing Our Under Two Year Olds

A spacious, safe environment for babies and early toddlers, to experience sights, sounds and textures.

Qualified care staff provide cuddles and encouragement while introducing songs, musical instruments, story time, books, puzzles, craft and construction activities.

Designed especially for our youngest children during this early stage of physical, motor and sensory development.

The space provides stimulation for the most inquisitive and ardent young explorer, carefully and lovingly supervised, to ensure safety while encouraging self-confidence and imagination.

This well-equipped, bright room includes sand and water play facilities.

A daily journal is kept for each child to record all activities and essential information for parents, e.g. feeds, changes, sleeps, etc.

All our children are given positive guidance and encouragement to develop at their own pace.

We operate a 1:3 staff ratio to children in our Under Two’s Room.

Our Curriculum