October Newsletter

CURRICULUM ACTIVITIES: This month’s topic focuses on Science and technology which are important for children as they help them develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills by encouraging and directing their natural curiosity, and familiarising them with basic scientific vocabulary. Technology can have positive effects on children such as creativity and freedom of expression, socialization and relationship building, independence and problem-solving, fun opportunities to practice what they learn, exploration of new subjects.

October is also when we see the real effects of the Autumnal change, so we’ll be looking at how the weather changes with the seasons. The dark evenings mean it is an ideal time to remind little ones about road safety. There will be lots of role play and children will be getting creative with colours and textures of Autumn, along with lots of Halloween fun of course!

SUPPORT AT HOME:- Encourage your children to observe, ask questions, experiment, tinker, and seek their own understandings of natural and human-made phenomena. Join your children in learning new things about science and technology. Take advantage of not knowing all the answers to your children’s questions, and embrace opportunities to learn science together. Do little experiments such as what floats and sinks, how to make ice cube’s melt quickly etc.

Be sure and enjoy the colours of autumn and harvest so you can do leaf rubbings using crayons on paper. It’s always the best time to get out and about for walks in the park and countryside and talk about what you can see and don’t forget to get into the spirit of Halloween, with plenty of dressing up!!!

HARVEST FESTIVAL: - As part of our Harvest Festival activities, every year we collect dry/tinned goods and household essentials for our local food bank- ‘The welcome Centre’, to help families in the Huddersfield area in need of extra support. Information will be provided of any items they desperate/would like. We welcome any contributions until Friday 25th October. Thank you.

PHOTOGRAPH DAY: We have arranged for Purple Cow Photographers to visit the nursery on Wednesday, 30th October (in the half term holidays) to take beautiful keepsake portraits of our children. There is absolutely no obligation to buy.  More details to follow shortly, including how to make a photo appointment, if your child is not in on the day. The photos taken will be processed and the proofs supplied for parent’s approval. Ordered photos will be back in time for Christmas...beautiful gifts for family members!

FUNDED SESSIONS HOLIDAY:- The October ‘one week’ half-term holiday is W/C 28th October for our children attending funded sessions only. Funding re-starts Monday, 4th November right up until Friday 13th December finishing for the year. EFG’s holiday club is now open to accept bookings for school aged children for £36.00 per day. For more details, please ask Charlie or email us at office@abcchildrensdaynursery.co.uk

CELEBRATIONS:- We are very excited to start this month’s celebrations/festivals with National Space week from 4th to 10th! Lots of rocket making and exploring the different types of planets etc.

From 14th to 20th Is national recycling week- why not join us at home by showing them how important is to look after our planet and what we can do to help! We will be looking at Sukkot from 16th to 21st which It's the Jewish Harvest festival, Sukkot means 'huts'. Every year in autumn, Jews all over the world prepare for Sukkot by building and decorating their own special hut - called a sukkah and to finish off- Halloween! There will be plenty of spooky activities throughout this time. All children are welcomed to dress up in Halloween costumes W/C 21st October with the main dress day on the 31st

HELLO & WELCOME: To Bonnie, Muhammed and Bilal who join our Pre-school room.

FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK:- Day Nursery (Abc-Nursery). This is a private account for parents only and an additional way to keep up to date with nursery activities.

INSTAGRAM ACCOUNT: Take a look at our Instagram account - Come follow us at ABC Children’s Day Nursery to see our set ups and fun activities (no children’s images shown).  

HAPPY BIRTHDAY:- In Foundation; Tobias, Indiyana, Keegan & Meadow who will be four, in

Pre-School; Greyson & Kaelan will be three, in Under Two’s; Kyro & Ethan will be two!! Happy Birthday everyone!


November Newsletter


September Newsletter