May Newsletter

CURRICULUM ACTIVITIES: Our learning topic this month is ‘Animal Kingdom’. Each care room will be doing age-appropriate activities for their children, to teach them about the other animals we share our planet with. Following the seven areas of the EYFS, we’re looking at our pets at home, to animals in the farmyard or the darkest jungle, what lives in the sea or on the plains of Africa. Discovering where they live, the sounds they make, their size and the colour and textures of their skin. Continuing with the animal theme, we are very excited to say we are having ducks this year to hatch!! The children will learn how to care for them, taking responsibility and showing empathy before the ducks are returned to their farm home. How exciting!

Support at Home:- Get the whole family having fun with this topic, looking at books together, animals in the field. Or plan a visit to a pet shop, venture to a petting farm or even a zoo. Talk to your little one’s about the animals you see. Where does it live? What sound do they make? How many legs? What does it eat? Learning should be fun! We will post our curriculum planning outside care rooms on the parent information board, providing ideas how you can support your child’s nursery education at home, or just ask a staff member.

APPROPRIATE CLOTHING & FOOTWEAR:- This time of year brings an array of weather ….cold winds, cool showers and high UV sunshine, sometimes in the same day! Consequently, please make sure your child can benefit from outdoor play, ideally with a sun hat, showerproof jacket and shoes, trainers or pumps for outdoors, but if you are thinking of going out for new summer footwear, NO OPEN TOED SANDALS for nursery please. They are a real tripping hazard for children during outdoor play and provide no protection for little toes! Ouch!!

LABELLED CLOTHES BAG:- Please make sure all clothing are labelled, we have lots of clothing items in the care rooms with no owners. If your child is missing any hoodies etc., please ask a member of staff. Please could all children have a spare change of clothing in their bags on a daily basis.

MAY HALF TERM:- Children attending funded sessions only, will be on holiday for one week half-term break, W/C 27th May when funding is not available. Funded sessions recommence on Monday, 3rd June for the 2nd part of the summer term for 7 weeks.

BANK HOLIDAY CLOSING: - Please note, nursery will be closed on the following Bank Holiday Mondays; 6th and 27th May. Lets hope its nice and sunny!

PARENTS ADMIN APP:- Hopefully everyone has been able to use the app and is enjoying it! If you are having any issues, please let us know. You are now able to send photos or achievements to us on the app which can be added to their key file– more details to follow!

CONGRATULATIONS!:- To Staff member, Georgina from the Under 2’s room & EFG’s, on the safe arrival of her baby boy, Theodore. We are all sending much love to Georgina & Sam!

PACKED MEALS: - Just a reminder to please follow the policy on the packed meals, check all ingredients – they must not contain nuts. i.e. no chocolate spread (contains hazelnuts)

GOODBYE & GOODLUCK: - to staff member Akifah (who we all know as Kiwi) who leaves us at the end of the month start her new chapter as she marries and moves out of Huddersfield to live with her husband! A very big congratulations! Lots of love to Kiwi, we will miss her lots!

HELLO & WELCOME:- to little Eryn who joins us in the Under two’s room.

FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK:- Day Nursery (Abc-Nursery). This is an additional way for parents only, to keep up to date with nursery activities.

INSTAGRAM ACCOUNT: We now have an Instagram account - Come follow us at ABC Children’s Day Nursery to see our set ups and fun activities (no children’s images shown).

HAPPY BIRTHDAY:- To Ali who is one in the Under Twos room and to Deon & Fatin in Foundation, who will be four!!!



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April 2024 Newsletter