April 2024 Newsletter

CURRICULUM ACTIVITIES: April is a very busy month, as we welcome spring, and we start our curriculum activities around ‘Life Cycles’. Every year we have our very popular chick’s hatchery, where our children will see baby chickens hatch from the egg, which the children are able to handle and learn to care for, this year we are having something very special which will be ‘arriving’ so we can watch them hatch next month in May……... watch this space to find out what they are! We currently have little caterpillars which all the children will be able to see the amazing life cycle of them change into beautiful butterflies! Have a look at the curriculum information posted outside the care rooms with details of their activities and ideas of how to support at home.

Support at Home: to support your child’s nursery education at home, don’t hesitate to speak to their key worker and watch out in the garden and fields for spring flowers blooming, birds building nests and newborn lambs as nature springs into life due to lighter and warmer days. You may want to do a fun activity together, such as planting and growing seeds such as cress which is easy to do at in bowl!


SUMMER TERM: Commences Monday, 8th April, when Nursery Education Funding resumes for eligible two-year-olds and all three- and four-year-olds. 

NEW NURSERY FEES: Following a full review of our costs to provide the high standard of care for all our children, new terms and conditions commence 1st April. Please ensure you have advised the necessary agencies, as it may affect any claims for support you may have.

FUNDED MEALS: As you are aware, the 15 hours government funding covers education only, we have been providing breakfasts, fresh snacks, cooked lunches, teas, wipes, suncreams etc. using nurseries own money, as the government funding doesn’t align with normal living expenses, we are needing help to be able to continue to provide this service. All funded only parents received letters & a text explaining that from 1st April, we are able to provide meals with an additional cost for these or parents are able to provide a packed meal in replacement to this following our ‘packed meal policy’ If you haven’t informed the office of your choice, please could this be emailed ASAP to office@abcchildrensdaynursery.co.uk

PARENT ADMIN APP: We are very excited to introduce our new app that will replace the daily reports!

This is a free downloadable app that provides you with up-to-date information on your child’s day with us, including meals, toileting, activities and even photos! All invoices will be sent via the app and accessible in one place and you are able to message the office, or your child’s room (just put who it’s for attention to).

You will receive an email with an invite to download the app, if you have any issues, please contact us.

FULL-TIME SCHOOL STARTERS: Please inform the Foundation stage team, of which school your child will be attending full-time from September, so we can start the transition process for your child. You can find out by logging on to the Kirklees Parent Portal from 16th April from 8.30am onwards. Hope you have all got your first choice of school!!


HELLO & WELCOME: to Cavalli in our Pre-school room.


CELEBRATIONS!: Our children we will be looking at the meaning of Ramadan which ends on the 9th April and Eid al-Fitr straight afterwards, there will be lots of dancing, creating patterns, making lanterns and much more. We will be raising awareness of how important it is to look after our planet for ‘Earth Day’ which is on the 22nd April followed by our children making flags, dressing up and doing role play as knights, dragons & princesses for St. Georges day on the 23rd April. At the end of the month we will be dedicating a week to highlight the importance of ‘Road Safety Week’ .


INSTAGRAM ACCOUNT: Check us out, we now have an Instagram account - Come follow us at ABC Children’s Day Nursery to see our set ups and fun activities.


FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK: Day Nursery (Abc-Nursery). This is an additional way for parents only, to keep up to date with nursery activities, this is a private page for families only.


HAPPY BIRTHDAY: To Oakley-George who is one in the Under Twos room, to Evie & Ayat in Pre-School who will be three and to Harvey in Foundation, who will be four!!!




May Newsletter


March 2024 Newsletter