March Newsletter

CURRICULUM ACTIVITIES: Our learning topic for March is ‘Our natural World’, The natural world includes plants and animals, soil, rocks, water, and air. Things can be described, compared, and classified on the basis of their characteristics. Nature includes living and nonliving things. Living things need food, water, air, and shelter, and can move, grow, and reproduce. Fun activities this month include learning about recycling to protect our nature, counting how many bugs we see in the garden, learning how to help our environment etc. Throughout nursery, children will do age-appropriate activities, using the seven areas of the EYFS curriculum. You can find planned curriculum activities in nursery outside your child’s care room.

Support at Home:- To support your child’s nursery education at home, help your little ones by going for walks and exploring the wildlife, ask them to describe what they can see, do some counting, take some paper and crayons and have fun doing some tree rubbings! Look at recycling at home – what can be recycled, make a tally chart learning numbers at the same time!

APRIL FEES REVIEW:- Following a review of our costs, to be able to provide the standard of care you rely on and expect, we have had to review our fees accordingly. The new fees have been supplied to every account holder and applied to April invoices. We appreciate that the costs have risen but we have managed to keep it a lower percentage. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions and thank you for your understanding.

9 MONTH OLD, 2, 3 & 4 YEAR-OLD FUNDING: - You could be eligible for education funding from April if your child turns 9 month old, 2 or 3 years old before 31st March 2025. Please apply for the funding, online using the website - “Childcare Choices” before the deadline of 31st March.

HELLO & WELCOME:- To Zia and Hope who join us in our Under 2’s room and to Alyan, Taymiyyah, Tommy and Ellie-Mai who join our pre-school room.  

WORLD BOOK DAY:- We’re celebrating World Book Day on 6th March, children are invited to dress up as their favourite story book character - any day of the week, We also have a £1 book token for every child in nursery, which can be redeemed against the purchase of a book. You can find details of how and where on the back of the voucher or the World Book Day website.

COMIC RELIEF:- Its their 40th birthday this year! Let’s help children by being involved in activities to help support less fortunate people in the world, children learn empathy, to be caring and have sympathy with other members of society. Here at nursery, they do it while having fun!!! We’ll be dressing up on Friday 21st March in whatever our favourite fun outfits may be, or even any red clothing! If you are able, please give a donation online at

CELEBRATIONS:- March is always a busy month with the start of Spring – we celebrate St David’s day on the 1st exploring daffodils, leeks and dragons! Then on the 4th is Shrove day, we love a good pancake race and finish it off with yummy pancakes followed by Ash Wednesday -the first day of lent. We have a very exciting week celebrating World Book Day on 6th, we welcome everyone to dress up and bring a book to read! British Science week starts on 7th and finishes 16th- the theme is ‘change and adapt’ we will be encouraging our little ones to be curious, creative and complete new challenges! Holi is on the 14th which is a Hindu festival that celebrates spring, love, and new life! It is also known as ‘Festival of colour’. Lots of singing, dancing and colour - This leads us onto another fun day- St Patrick’s Day on the 17th – Green is the colour to wear to nursery! On the 21st is Red Nose Day, don’t forget to dress up! Mother’s Day on 30th is a very special day – so expect lots of creative work coming home, all made with love! And we finish a very busy month with Eid Al-Fitr that marks the end of the month of Ramadan, a time for celebration with family and loved ones.

FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK or INSTAGRAM:- (Facebook- Day Nursery (Abc-Nursery) this is a private account for parents/carers only. Our Instagram profile is - (ABC Children’s Day Nursery) - no children’s images are shown on here. This is an additional way to keep up to date with nursery activities

HAPPY BIRTHDAY:- To Zia and Theo who will be one years old and to Cree who will be two in the Under Twos room, to Bonnie, Orhan and Louie in Pre-School who will be three and to Niaraola, Hanzhi & Leo in Foundation, who will be four!!! Happy Birthday!



February Newsletter