February Newsletter

CURRICULUM ACTIVITIES: Our learning topic for March is ‘Being Healthy’, looking at the importance of hygiene, good nutrition, exercise and sleep. Helping children have self-esteem and confidence to talk about feelings, have good relationships and friends to talk to for a healthy mind and body. Throughout nursery, children will do age-appropriate activities, to develop an understanding of personal wellbeing and healthy choices, such as using real fresh fruit and vegetables for tasting & printing to creating role play areas like a doctor’s or hospital to see how they play a part in keeping us healthy and well. You can find this month’s planned curriculum activities outside your child’s care room, with learning activity sheets to take home. Please help yourselves.

Support at Home:- To support your child’s nursery education at home, help get your little ones into healthy habits and routines. Starting early is the best way and if they see your example, it will reinforce the message to make healthy choices in later life.

CELEBRATIONS:- From 1st to 9th February is national story telling week, what better way to do this than at bedtime, all snuggled up reading their favorite stories! On the 14th, we’ll be going hearts and flowers crazy for St. Valentine’s Day, so expect lots of art and craft work home, all made with lots of love! On the 28th February is the start of Ramadan - Ramadan is the ninth month in the Islamic calendar, it is observed by Muslims worldwide and is viewed as a blessed month. Ramadan ends after 29 or 30 days, depending on the moon. The start of Ramadan depends on the lunar cycle, it starts with the sighting of the Young Moon and ends with a New Moon

CHILDREN’S MENTAL HEALTH WEEK: From 3rd to 9th February is children’s mental health week, a very important annual celebration to raise awareness in the world. As children grow, it’s not just physical milestones like learning to walk or write that matter. Emotional development – building confidence, independence, and resilience – is just as important. By prioritising mental well-being from an early age, children are better equipped to handle life’s ups and downs as they grow into adulthood. The charity leading the initiative - Place2Be, has a range of free resources available on their website to help anyone promote or support the week. The nursery will be hosting a wide range of fun activities such as yoga, looking at story books/using puppets talking about feelings, making healthy food/snacks, having a mini-ABC spa treatments and much more!

SPARE CLOTHES: We do have a supply of emergency clothing at nursery, but we are running low, any borrowed items, please could we have them returned as soon as possible, Thank you!

HALF-TERM HOLIDAY:- Please note, the half-term holiday is W/C 17th February. If you require any holiday club care for children aged from 4 years to 11 years, EFG’s is here with an exciting week planned. Please ask the office for more details.  

ABSENCE FROM NURSERY:- Just a reminder, if for any reason you are unable to bring your child to nursery, please text 07889092619 or call 01484.429222 at the beginning of their session, to advise us of their absence and reason – thank you.

HELLO & WELCOME;-To Rose-Ella and Isla who has joined our Under 2’s room and to Louie, Orhan, James, Reign-Renage, Rosie and Eli who join our Pre-school room.

NURSERY FEES:- We are currently reviewing our nursery fees for 1st April. We always endeavour to keep our childcare fees to a minimum, while continuing to give the best possible value for money and remaining a sustainable business. We do appreciate the pressure on household finances currently, as we too incurred unprecedented costs last year, which will be surpassed from April this year to deliver quality childcare. Notification of our Terms & Conditions will be issued to parents by the end of February.

FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK:- Day Nursery (Abc-Nursery). This is an additional way for you to keep up to date with nursery activities. It’s a private account for parents/carers only.

INSTAGRAM ACCOUNT:- take a look at our Instagram account – ‘ABC Children’s Day Nursery’ – to see our room set up’s and fun activities (no children’s images shown)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY:- To Enya and Emilia who are One in Under Two’s, to Oliver who turns Three in preschool and to Harvey, Nolan, Rubin, Igor & Jaxon in our Foundation Stage Class, who are Four!                                     



March Newsletter


January Newsletter