January 2024 Newsletter
CURRICULUM ACTIVITIES: As the New Year starts, it gives us the ideal opportunity to introduce and help our children understand the concept of time. Consequently, ‘Time’ is this month’s curriculum topic. All our children will be involved in age-appropriate activities, to support them in the seven areas of the EYFS to help them develop and meet their milestones and potential, while learning about Time, the subject that impacts on all aspects of our daily lives. We’ll be looking at our routines through the day at nursery and at home, the differences between day and night as well, the role of the sun and how the time of year changes the seasons and its effect on us and nature.
Support at Home:- Each room’s planned activities are shared on our private Facebook page, or ask a member of the team to email it or just for tips and advice. Talk about the time of day, what time do you leave for nursery, how long does it take to get to nursery, what routines do you have at home. These are all simple things to help your little one understands the passing of time.
WINTER CLOTHING:- Please ensure your little one is appropriately dressed for the cold weather. Indoors, they need slippers or lightweight elasticated pumps to keep feet protected, warm and dry during wet play activities or visits to the bathroom, and crucially, in the event of an emergency evacuation. They also need a cardi or sweater. For outdoors, they need a coat, good shoes or boots, plus hat and gloves (all name labelled please). All year-round outdoor play is an important part of a child’s development, as long as they are suitably dressed.
CELEBRATIONS:-We always have fun through celebration – On the 25th Jan’ it’s Burns Night celebrating Scottish poet, Robert Burns birthday, when we recite poetry, do highland dancing and have a traditional haggis.
CHILDREN’S SAFETY:- Please can we respectfully remind parents to be mindful of everyone’s safety! Making sure, 1... Children are supervised at all times, both in nursery & the car park. 2... The internal lobby door is securely closed behind you when entering and leaving nursery. 3... Please do not give entry to anyone when leaving nursery. 4... All children to be securely fastened in car seats when travelling in a vehicle. 5... You must drive slowly at all times when travelling through the car park, making sure to check there are no pedestrians crossing the road before entering & leaving.
CONTACT INFORMATION:- Have you got a new phone for Christmas? Or changed any contact information, address, mobile, home or work number, please keep us up to date with changes, it is vitally important we know them …don’t forget your designated emergency contacts too! Thank you.
HELLO & WELCOME:- Frankie & Oakley George in our Under 2’s room, Amir, Liam, Aaron, Kruze, Aisha, Iona and Niara who join us in our Pre-school room.
FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK:- Day Nursery (Abc-Nursery). This is an additional way for you to keep up to date with nursery activities. It’s a private account for parents/carers only.
WEBSITE ‘NOTICE BOARD’:- Is on ‘abc.childrensdaynursery.co.uk’ and updated regularly with useful information, links and pic’s. Our email address is:- office@abcchildrensdaynursery.co.uk
HAPPY BIRTHDAY:- To Lily & Kanon who are One & Freddie who is Two in our Under Two’s room. To Orla, Brodie, Aleena & Tymon in Pre-School who are Three and to Hattie in our Foundation Stage Class, who is Four! – xxx