February 2024 Newsletter
CURRICULUM ACTIVITIES: Our learning topic for March is ‘Being Healthy’, looking at the importance of hygiene, good nutrition, exercise and sleep. Helping children have self-esteem and confidence to talk about feelings, have good relationships and friends to talk to for a healthy mind and body. Throughout nursery, children will do age-appropriate activities, to develop an understanding of personal wellbeing and healthy choices, using the seven areas of the EYFS curriculum. You can find planned curriculum activities on our private Facebook page.
Support at Home:- To support your child’s nursery education at home, help get your little ones into healthy habits and routines. Starting early is the best way and if they see your example, it will reinforce the message to make healthy choices in later life.
CELEBRATIONS:- We always have fun through celebration – Chinese New Year 10th Feb’ which is the year of the ‘Dragon’, we’ll be making Chinese dragons of course and looking at other traditions. It’s Shrove Tuesday on the 13th, so we’ll be enjoying pancakes and, on the 14th, we’ll be going hearts and flowers crazy for St. Valentine’s Day, so expect lots of art and craft work home, all made with lots of love.
GOODBYE & GOOD LUCK:- To staff member Georgina, who leaves us to start her maternity leave this month. We send her and family, tons of love until her return, later in the year. To Chelsea, who leaves us to work in the lovely hot weather abroad with TUI in the children’s club and also Samiya, who leaves us to work with the elderly, in a care home. We wish you all the very best of luck, will miss you very much!
SPARE CLOTHES: Please ensure your child has a change of clothes and underwear for toilet and messy play accidents (minimum of 2 sets when potty/toilet training). We do have a supply of emergency clothing at nursery, but would implore you to return any borrowed items promptly, so we can provide the care and support to all our children.
HALF-TERM HOLIDAY:- Please note, the half-term holiday for funded only session attendance is W/C 12th February. Then back into nursery, W/C 19th February until Easter.
ABSENCE FROM NURSERY:- Just a reminder, if for any reason you are unable to bring your child to nursery, please text 07889092619 or call 01484.429222 at the beginning of their session, to advise us of their absence and reason – thank you.
HELLO & WELCOME;-To new children; Kaelan, Jacob and Klashae in Pre-School.
NURSERY FEES:- We are currently reviewing our nursery fees for 1st April. We always endeavour to keep our childcare fees to a minimum, while continuing to give the best possible value for money and remaining a sustainable business. We do appreciate the pressure on household finances currently, as we too incurred unprecedented costs last year, which will be surpassed from April this year to deliver quality childcare. Notification of our Terms & Conditions will be issued to parents by the end of February.
FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK:- Day Nursery (Abc-Nursery). This is an additional way for parents only, to keep up to date with nursery activities.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY:- to Oliver who will be two in the Under 2’s room, while Harvey S, Hour, Igor, Nolan, Rubin and Jaxon in Pre-School are three and Theo, Kobi, Kacper & Marley in Foundation will be four! xxxx